Warped Woofing

loose threads, fabrications, purls of wisdom and other belabored puns baste on my adventures in real life

in loving, laughing memory of
JRW @-->---

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Thursday, December 23, 2004

I've got to pick one belief system and stick with it
This afternoon's monsoon brought some flooding into the basement, and with it a small frog. There he was when I went to do a load of laundry, hopping around and no doubt saying to himself "This sure doesn't *look* like the creek!" Once aware of my presence he hid behind some pipes. Each time I went down to transfer loads I fretted over what to do for the poor thing, who would no doubt starve if not returned to his habitat. Should I be a good Samaritan, catching him and escorting him unharmed to the door or should I adopt a Buddhist attitude and leave him to whatever his fate had in store? The Samaritan worried that catching him might be too traumatic (for him) and given his hiding place, physically difficult (for me), while the Buddhist calmly reasoned that Brother Frog would find his own way out -- or not -- but it would be whatever was meant in the end.

The Buddhist prevailed, but the Samaritan feels a little conflicted about it still.

this piece woven by Sandra Hull @ 11:04 PM

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Dear e-mail group correspondent
  • Since you write all your e-mails in lower case "to be different" I wonder if you also carry on spoken conversations in a high-pitched sing-song-y voice.

  • If you participate in a stunt of posting pointless messages merely to put the message count for that particular month at a certain number and group members who did not participate and found your deluge of dreck not only unfunny but inconveniencing indulge you by waiting to voice their feelings until after you have set your record, you are not helping matters by belittling them and refusing to acknowledge their right to be annoyed.

  • And while we're at it, "annoyed" does not equal "upset".

  • Post as many messages as you want, but at least put some meaningful content in there, okay? Simply posting "This is message #(x)", "This is message #(x + 1)" ad nauseum doesn't reflect well on the creative talents you purport to possess.

  • "Humor list" does not mean "anything goes". Are you that thoughtless in your daily interpersonal interactions?

  • Telling someone who has voiced a concern of whatever magnitude that "there are more important things to worry about" is inconsiderate and condescending. Do you enjoy having your own feelings negated out of hand?

  • "Condescending" means "to talk down to."

this piece woven by Sandra Hull @ 11:25 AM

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